Tasks and work of the IBS
In this video, the Information and Advice Center for Studentes with Disabilities introduces itself in German Sign Language.
You can also download the video as MP4 file: Sign language film "The IBS introduces itself".
Text version: The IBS introduces itself
Hello and welcome to the website of the Information and Advice Center for Students with Disabilities of the German National Association for Student Affairs (DSW) - IBS for short.
The IBS is the nationwide competence center on the topic of "Study and Disability". It works on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and is funded by it. An advisory board supports the IBS in its work, which also includes representatives of associations and interest groups of people with disabilities.
What are the tasks of the IBS?
The IBS provides comprehensive information about studying with disabilities, offers counseling as well as further education and does public relations and lobbying work for the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
The work of IBS pursues the goal of creating an inclusive HEI (Higher Education Insitution). IBS works to ensure that people with disabilities have non-discriminatory access to higher education and can study with equal opportunities. The term disability in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities includes sensory and movement impairments as well as chronic or mental illnesses, partial performance disorders such as dyslexia, autism or other long-term impairments.
Who does the IBS address?
The IBS primarily addresses the following with its services
- Prospective students and students with disabilities and chronic illnesses as well as their relatives,
- Representatives and advisors for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses in HEIs and public student service organisation (STWs),
- to associations for the disabled and welfare organizations as well as organizations in the field of rehabilitation, and
- to HEIs and disability policy actors in parliaments and administrations of the federal and state governments.
How can you get information?
On the IBS website you will find comprehensive information on all questions concerning studying with a disability. For example, on compensation for disadvantages in examinations or on the financing of sign language interpreters. In addition, the web pages present the legal basis for studying with a disability, data surveys and their results, and links to important documents and positions from HEIs and politics.
To help you find your way around our extensive website and find the information that is relevant to you, we explain the structure of our web pages in the "Navigation" video.
We send out current information about the work of the IBS and developments in the field of study and disability in a monthly newsletter. We would be happy to add you to the distribution list. Please send us a short e-mail to: [email protected].
Do you have any further questions about the services offered by the IBS? Then please feel free to contact us at the above e-mail address.