Co-operation with Japan
Are University Co-operatives (Co-ops) a successful model for student services? Univerity Co-ops at Japan's higher education institutions generate billions in turnover, but at the same time student participation, solidarity and economic efficiency are at the core of their comprehensive services in student life.
Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) co-operates closely with Japan’s National Federation of University Co-operative Associations (NFUCA) to strengthen the exchange of experience, lobbying for student services and staff experience at the international level.
The partnership is managed by a German-Japanese working group comprising Studentenwerke and University Co-ops. An annual study trip allows for insights into the range, capacity and economic efficiency of student offers in Germany and Japan.
With the exception of a few halls of residence that are run directly by universities themselves, Co-ops provide social infrastructure in the form of restaurants and cafeterias, grocery shops, stationery and book shops, travel agencies, advisory services, career centres and insurance.