Advice of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses
Comprehensive advising tailored to the individual needs of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses is an essential factor in ensuring that students can begin and complete their studies with equal opportunities.
IBS provides information and training nationwide to support prospective and current students as well as representatives, advisors, and counselors for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find initial information?
The handbook "Study and Disability" informs prospective students and students as well as advisors about the topic from the preparation of studies to the start of a career. Handbook "Study and Disability
Which students belong to the target group?
The various counseling services for students with disabilities are aimed at students with sensory and movement impairments, as well as students with chronic-somatic illnesses, with mental illnesses, with a partial performance disorder such as dyslexia, and other long-term impairments. Counseling services for prospective students and students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
Who advises on site?
In almost all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and in many public student service organisation (STWs), representatives and advisors with specific expertise advise students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. They are the first point of contact for questions about studying with impairments and know which other advisors should be contacted in addition. In addition, many universities have student disability departments with an advisory service. Representatives and advisors of the universities and student unions on studying and disabilities Student interest groups
Are there advocacy groups for students with disabilities? Which ones?
In addition to student disability departments in the HEIs, there are, among others, the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Behinderung und Studium e. V. (BAG), the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hörbehinderter Studenten und Absolventen e. V. (BHSA), the Deutsche Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e. V. (DVBS) or studiCED. Student interest groups